Platform: ODAP
Since the data is sensitive, it is meant to run on the ODAP platform (at least for now). To get access, you will need to contact the relevant person, at the moment More information on accessing ODAP can be found here.
In order to run the workflows in this repository only 2 software need to be installed, and they should already be present on ODAP:
- Nextflow 24.10.3 (see how to setup)
- Singularity 3.9.4 (Should be ready to use)
Importing Into ODAP
In order to upload the current state of the code, or a specific version of FlowOMICC into ODAP, we currently proceed via a shared folder with Dominique.
The following assumes a specific git tag corresponding to a release for which a matching docker image exists, but the steps can be adapted to any need.
export FLOWOMICC_TAG="main"
In the shared folder.
- Clone the repository or the relevant commit or tag:
git clone
git checkout $FLOWOMICC_TAG
- Download and save the docker image
docker pull --platform linux/amd64 olivierlabayle/genomicc:$FLOWOMICC_TAG
docker save olivierlabayle/genomicc:$FLOWOMICC_TAG | gzip > sequential-gwas/genomicc.tar.gz
Then ask Dominique to uplaod the folder to ODAP.
In the uploaded repository, build the singularity image:
gunzip genomicc.tar.gz && singularity build genomicc.sif docker-archive:genomicc.tar