This page contains some tips and tricks to help development. Because of the difficulty associated with development on ODAP it is assumed that most of the development will take place outside of it. For that purpose the original data has been mocked and is stored in test/assets
. More information on the process can be found in Mock Data
Build Docker Image
The image is built automatically during the continuous integration process and published on Docker HUB.
You can also build it locally if you have docker installed by running the following:
docker build -t sequential-gwas -f docker/Dockerfile .
(If running on MacOS with an ARM platform, add: --platform linux/amd64
Code Development on ODAP2
When you really need to.
First import the docker image as a singularity container within ODAP which we assume is called sequential-gwas.sif
Julia REPL
To get a shell while mounting the repo within the container:
singularity shell --bind $PWD:/mnt/sequential-gwas sequential-gwas.sif
singularity shell --bind $PWD:/mnt/sequential-gwas sequential-gwas.sif
Then run the julia REPL
JULIA_DEPOT_PATH=$JULIA_DEPOT_PATH:/root/.julia julia --project=/mnt/sequential-gwas
Extra Tools
Most tools are available within their conda environment, for instance regenie:
docker run -it --rm sequential-gwas /opt/miniforge3/bin/mamba run -n regenie_env regenie --help
(If running on MacOS with arm platform, add: --platform linux/amd64